Buildings that measure between 11m and 18m that require remediation for life-critical safety defects, are to be funded by the new Mid-Rise Scheme, SFI are able to conduct FRAEWs to assess the external wall makeup of your building to help you understand what works may need undertaking.

What is the Mid-Rise Scheme?

The Mid-Rise Scheme is a government initiative that aims to fund the remediation of safety defects in residential buildings between 11 to 18m in height in cases where the responsible developer cannot be traced.

It will be funded by the Building Safety Levy, which will be charged on all new residential developments and is expected to raise £3 billion (over a 10-year period) towards the cost of remediating buildings in the 11m – 18m category.

An FRAEW will be vital for anyone looking to apply for this scheme. This is something SFI can conduct for you.

Who is eligible for the Mid-Rise Scheme?

Applicants who qualify for the Mid-Rise Scheme pilot have been already targeted by Homes England. If the building in question is 11m to 18m and funding isn’t going to be covered by the Developer Pledge, you can apply for the scheme when it is rolled out across the country.

If you are the building’s Responsible Entity, i.e., have the legal authority to carry out the remediation work (you must be the building’s freeholder or head leaseholder, registered provider of social housing, a management company or Right to Manage company with primary responsibility for the property’s repair), you can apply for the Mid-Rise Scheme once it is live.

If you are a leaseholder, you should get in touch with the Responsible Entity. He or she is obliged to give you regular progress updates when they apply for the Mid-Rise Scheme.

For more information on how SFI can help, get in touch today.


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